Camilo Bojaca is a young and talented Colombian artist who has earned a place in the local scene with his multifaceted artwork.
With a serious and dedicated career. In his projects, a variety of techniques can be seen, being drawing and sculpture the predominant ones. In his work, landscape is a recurrent element of study, which Bojacá understands as a system of layers that intersect, overlap and connect. Scale is another feature that he explores constantly in his practice, as well as the relationship between architecture and nature. He is interested in the relations and tensions that exist between the conceptual elements and the materials he works with.

His continual interest in issues such as landscape, nature, architecture and the city, have resulted in projects such as: Garden of Weeds and Scaffolding where he questions the way we construct cities and affect and transform the environment and surroundings. In his work, he proposes a form of hybridization where what is built, and the nature coexist for mutual benefit. From delicate pencil drawings, to scaffolding made of graphite leads or cement sculptures with nature’s elements such as plants and wood, he invites us to rethink our relationship as inhabitants of the world, explore new political notions of the landscape.

In store: featured in this inspiration

Camilo Bojaca: secuencia cubica
Camilo Bojaca: Cubic Sequence #1