Jorge Magyaroff is a Colombian artist born in Bogotá in 1979, he studied fine arts in Academia de Artes Guerrero from 1998 to 2003. As soon as he finished his studies started working as an art teacher in a social project that helped socially vulnerable teenagers to overcome their addictions from 2003 to 2007. After that enriching experience started working as the Colombian artist Carlos Blanco’s assistant until 2012.

In 2013 decided to start being a full time artist and working on his own project. has been part of group exhibitions like “Salón Nacional de Pintura BBVA” (2003), “Salón de Arte Digital” (2004) and “Salón de Arte Joven El Nogal” (2009). By the year of 2015 he was part of the Colombian artists that were selected to represent Colombia at Madrid ‘s art fair “ARCO”. In 2016 Jorge Magyaroff was selected to create a project room for ARTLIMA, the Main Peruvian art fair that is made in the city of Lima. That year a group of artists led by Magyaroff decided to create PROYECTO FAENZA, a collective project created to look for new and different spaces for art exhibitions in Bogotá.
In 2022 is selected to show his work in FUGA biennale, an important event Made in Bogotá where mid-career artists show their latest projects and organized by the “fundación Gilberto Alzate Avendaño”. By the year 2023 his work is part of the collective exhibitions calles BENEATH THE SURFACE that took place at the HEIDE museum of modern art in Melbourne, Australia. His latest solo exhibition was called MEMENTO MORI, and was made in 2024 at “360 grados” gallery in Bogotá.

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Jorge Magyaroff: De la serie subordinados OR
Jorge Magyaroff: De la serie insubordinados BK
Jorge Magyaroff: De la serie insubordinados PR